Saturday, January 17, 2009

Polish protesters beat up in an official ceremony with Israeli Ambassador David Peleg protesters arrested.

Polish protesters beat up in an official ceremony with Israeli Ambassador David Peleg protesters arrested.

In the news video (in Polish - sorry), you will see a small group protesters, standing near the wall, not bothering anybody, holding a large sign that reads

"Stop the butchery in Gaza"

You will see a man in a yarmulka get up from his chair, walk all the way across the room, and start to swing punches at the surprised protesters.

Poland is a civilized country, after all, and while things like that happen, they tend to at soccer matches between hooligans, not in an official function with an Israeli ambassador with lots of cameras present.

This is not Israel where women are stoned by fanatical Orthodox Jews for wearing red color clothes (MSNBC article).

It looks like it is OK to beat up a woman with your manly, macho fists if the woman is palestinian.

To skandal. Zatrzymano ludzi pobitych, a nie udało się ustalić tożsamości tego, kto ich pobił, choć wyraźnie widać go na filmie a na dodatek był jednym z zaproszonych gości (wystarczy sprawdzić listę zaproszonych żeby się dowiedzieć kto to był). Nasza policja jest najbardziej absurdalną i niedołężną policją świata.